Monday, April 4, 2011

Who Influences You As A Creative Person?

I tend to focus on storytelling and visual imagery in my creative process. I enjoy representing a story in a visual fashion in order to relate to the audience. My creative ideas are influenced by many directors but by the ones who can truly tell a story in the right manner. I am inspired by the very famous Steven Spielberg and his storytelling abilities. This is a link to a biography of Steven Spielberg. Steven Spielberg is one of the most influential directors and this article describes how far his ideas actually travel. One example of Steven's ability is his most famous and influential film Schindler's List.
This persons influences my ideas in many ways. Steven Spielberg's greatest example of tension is his film Jaws. He builds up the tension by not showing the shark until an hour into the movie. It was considered a thriller so there were many examples of tension within the story. Steven Spielberg uses black and white in his film Schindler's List which is a great example of affinity. It has less visual intensity but also contrasts the intensity of the actual action within the film. It also allows to emphasis the red jacket worn by the little girl who ends up dying. A lot of his films including Munich seem to represent certain themes that can be considered subjective. He has symbols in order to develop a deeper meaning in the text and give another dimension to the story. These ideas add so many more dynamics to the script and create another world to explore. His motivation and work gives me the inspiration to follow his footsteps. His power influences and motivates me to try my best and achieve my goals.

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