Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Finding Your Howl

In this article your howl is your own authentic voice that you must find. This article basically involves connecting your inner abilities with those around you to connect with the world. We are identified by what decisions we choose and how others judge us. That is how you choose to integrate with the world. Flaum talks about his fifth grade class and how it caused him pain to hear a person present their story. To Flaum the student’s story was true and he hated to admit that. His story involved a tiger and his cage. His cage had now become a part of him. In order for the tiger to get rid of his cage he had to die because the cage had become a part of him. This story encompasses our entire life decisions and how our surroundings become a part of our daily lives. It is impossible to drop your surroundings unless you die all together.

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