Friday, June 3, 2011

Creative Manifesto

Karim Rashid’s list of creative points is very interesting. The one that sticks out the most to me is, consume experiences, not things. This is very intelligent because people should learn by experience not from a classroom. People need to get hands on in order to improve. Yes, I can see how his creative points have come out in his work. Especially when he says normal is not good. He definitely uses that to put his own unique spin on his work. He seems like an interesting guy from his work and pictures, so I do believe his spirituality informs his art. He seems very intelligent and comfortable with who is, so he uses his inner voice (spirit) to help make his work his own.

My Own Creative Manifesto:

1.)  Get experience and don’t be afraid to get involved. Getting started at a low position helps you enjoy the whole experience, so embrace it.

2.)  Write down all your ideas. Nothing is worse than trying to remember something and you forget.

3.)  Be organized. Keep all of your ideas and projects organized so you can always reference them with no problem.

4.)  Keep your resume up to date. Always update it so it can be turned in at any time.

5.)  Look for ways to show off your talent. It will give you experience and boost your confidence.

6.)  Work with deadlines. In the creative business deadlines are really important, so procrastination is a weakness.

7.)  Show up on time. For interviews, appointments, or meetings showing up on time is respectful and a good example of leadership.

8.)  Do not burn bridges. I learned this concept in Media 101 and I believe it is always important to not make enemies.

9.)  Make connections. Another Media 101 concept and definitely is needed to move up in the business.

10.) Do not settle, always try and improve. You are never done learning.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your manifesto, especially your second point about writing down all your ideas. I can't tell you how many times I have thought of something and ten minutes forgotten it because I didn't write it down. I also like the connection you made between showing up on time and good leadership.
